Pink Bouquet

A pink bouquet of flowers in watercolor and ink on mixed media paper. This piece is 9 inches by 12 inches and comes mounted in a mat that measures 11 inches by 14 inches and is ready for you to hang in your home. It has been sealed with varnish and is signed.
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A pink bouquet of flowers in watercolor and ink on mixed media paper. This piece is 9 inches by 12 inches and comes mounted in a mat that measures 11 inches by 14 inches and is ready for you to hang in your home. It has been sealed with varnish and is signed.
A pink bouquet of flowers in watercolor and ink on mixed media paper. This piece is 9 inches by 12 inches and comes mounted in a mat that measures 11 inches by 14 inches and is ready for you to hang in your home. It has been sealed with varnish and is signed.
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