Pearlescent Floral Bouquet


These earrings are so dainty and pretty! They each have five hand-sculpted flowers. The earrings are coated in a pearlescent mica powder which gives them a beautiful shine when the light hits them. These give me major princess vibes! They measure roughly 2 inches long by 1.4 inches wide.

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These earrings are so dainty and pretty! They each have five hand-sculpted flowers. The earrings are coated in a pearlescent mica powder which gives them a beautiful shine when the light hits them. These give me major princess vibes! They measure roughly 2 inches long by 1.4 inches wide.

These earrings are so dainty and pretty! They each have five hand-sculpted flowers. The earrings are coated in a pearlescent mica powder which gives them a beautiful shine when the light hits them. These give me major princess vibes! They measure roughly 2 inches long by 1.4 inches wide.

Lavender with Beads
Coastal Art Deco
Ocean Swirl
Blue Mica Earrings
Draped Fabric in Pink